Thursday, February 8, 2007


Evie is a poet/dancer in the NYC poetry circuit. She teaches the ancient art of belly dancing as exercise and fun. She's been hosting poetry readings for about fifteen years and currently hosts The Green Pavilion Poetry Event in Brooklyn, the last Wednesday of every month. Her poetry has been heard on cable TV and radio. She's featured in poetry venues in the tri-state area. Her book out is "The First Woman Who Danced," which includes most of her poetry based on her experiences with the dance, and two chapbooks.


Against better
clear discernment
evolve fearful
gambles. Have
I just kept life
myopic? Needy
overtones parade
quarry’s resolve.
Scrape trampoline!
Unstage verdant
Xylophone, yelling

Evie Ivy


Mankind’s homes seem braided
labyrinths on the earth’s plane.
Rivers and rivulets snake along
the earth - life containing veins
give her nourishment.
While we live in this body
the soul wears, there is a need
to care for this Mother Earth.

Clouds envelope, long, round
fluffed, flat gauze clouds in white
to light grey. The plane travels
in between layers of a misty fog
like cloud. Beyond there’s a full
circular rainbow that moves with
the shadow of the plane in the center.

Some clouds are angel wings,
others artist’s white brush strokes
on our light blue canvass.
Misty long and flat clouds across
the horizon seem stages
that may be danced upon.

The plane in a cloud -
nature and human greatness.

Evie Ivy

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